Kākāriki Feather, 4x Objective
(Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae, Red-Crowned Parakeet)
Many people have been taught that kākāriki means "green", which is true.
But there follows a common assumption that our native parakeets are called kākāriki because they are green - this isn't quite right.
"Kākā" means parrot, while "riki" is a suffix roughly meaning "little" or "in abundance". The use of kākāriki to mean "green" actually comes from the briliant verdure of these birds, the greenest of all things in Aotearoa - not the other way around!
This image is a composites of ~20 "slices" meticulously captured with an OMAX microscope, focus-stacked and stitched together.
All indicated sizes are printed on a Premium 255gsm Metallic Gilcee paper unless clearly labelled "POSTER". See "Papers" on the right for more info.
Kākāriki Feather
Printing & Shipping
My microphotographs are printed and shipped from carefully selected art-print shops in NZ and around the world (for international customers).
Please be sure to select the correct size option for shipping at checkout - this should correspond to the largest size in your cart.
Posters are usually produced by a different print shop. If ordering both prints and posters, please select the shipping option for the largest print in your cart. Please be aware that these items may arrive at different times.
International customers: Please note that I aim to find the best equivalent to the paper I print on here in NZ. Brand and paper weight (gsm) may vary depending on your local print-shop's inventory. I will be in touch if there is a significant difference.